The Middle is a position somewhere in between physical reality and the world of ideas. It is also a dwelling space somewhere in between the personal and the political. But most importantly, it is a very concrete place in geographical terms. The Middle Kingdom, China - known for being the greatest dictatorship in the world - is the main topic of discussion in this forum. Ironically, if published in the Middle Kingdom, this blog would most likely have been forbidden.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Gao Zhisheng

For those of you who understand Swedish out there, I warmly recommend an interview with Chinese lawyer and human rights activist Gao Zhisheng, in today's edition of Dagens Nyheter.

Gao is one of the most outspoken Chinese dissidents and has increasingly been subject to government persecution since he wrote a letter of protest to Chinese prime minister Wen Jiabao in September last year. In today's article he wonders why the world isn't doing more when the facts about China's human rights violations are widely known. Ironically, Gao is doing more from Beijing than Sweden is from its safe haven thousands of miles from where the persecution takes place...


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