The Middle is a position somewhere in between physical reality and the world of ideas. It is also a dwelling space somewhere in between the personal and the political. But most importantly, it is a very concrete place in geographical terms. The Middle Kingdom, China - known for being the greatest dictatorship in the world - is the main topic of discussion in this forum. Ironically, if published in the Middle Kingdom, this blog would most likely have been forbidden.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Cowboy take me away

Ok, ok - I admit it. I am not quite the city girl I made myself out to be. Waking up this morning, gasping for air in my tiny 3-square-meter room, pulling aside the curtains just to see a gray-yellow-brownish sky and smell a wonderful mixture of dead rat, burning coal and rotten tofu, my surrender to the horrors of big city life is complete. Does this mean I'm a country gal after all?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are the cross-country skiing tracks any good in Hong Kong? You didn't have to go that far to smell rotten foods and live in tiny rooms. Next time, try Guldheden.

7:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

jiihaa! Love those country gals!
By the way, I'm deeply heart by the fact that you wont answer my e-mejls. Whats that about? The e-mejls concerns stuff that might interest you, like letters from Lunds philosophical faculty and the Gothenburg dito.
If yu wont (where does the ' goes in wont?) answer my little e-mejls there will be no more horse back riding (do they like "särskrivning" in the english language, maybe it should have beeen horsebackriding? Or maybe t'was correct?)for you when you're (was this the right place for a ' in the just written word?) back!

With hillbilly love from the west gothic land!

7:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops I meant "deeply hurt"....

7:32 PM


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